Faculty Seminar Workshop

Faculty Seminar Workshop

VAISHNAVI GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS (VGI)  offers innovative and multi-disciplinary education through effective teaching and learning methodology. Our teaching and learning methodology lays emphasis on innovation, enhanced research and development techniques and engaging services of highly qualified faculty members who strive earnestly to impart quality education to our students. We believe teaching is the one profession that creates all other professions. Thus, we believe in providing endless opportunities to our teachers to enhance their knowledge in their areas of specialization in order to facilitate all round development of our students

At VGI GROUP, Faculty Development/Faculty Enrichment programmes are conducted regularly to help our faculty members gain insights into recent trends & practices in engineering and technology, pharmacy, paramedical and pure and applied sciences. We invite eminent professionals and industry experts to train our faculty members in innovative teaching and learning methods, student psychology, motivation and counseling, recent trends and work practices adopted by renowned industries etc.

Our faculty members participate wholeheartedly in these Faculty Development Programmes and share the learning with our students to make them aware about the requirements of the industry from work professionals, importance of life skills and leadership qualities for leading a successful career in their respective fields.

FDP on “Ethics on Teaching”

Mr Rajeev Agrawal, Chairman and Managing Director of  Ananya Package P. Ltd., privileged Vaishnavi group by delivering a discourse on “Ethics on Teaching”. He mentioned various sentient and reformed examples not only on teaching and values but also on the impact of a teacher as a mentor and as a leader in an individual’s life. Mr Rajeev Agrawal also gave a very progressive approach to the Faculties Vaishnavi group for the evolution of themselves and the society. It ascertains that his knowledge proved to be of great importance for the Faculties to sustain their morals and beliefs at their work